Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Green is the new Green?

Well I have been loving this green color lately...
that and brown of all things.
You might find out about why I am liking brown in my next post.

I recently went exploring in my big book of crochet stitches and I came upon a fun and easy stitch I haven't tried out before...
it's called the:

Plain Trellis Stitch I

Starting Chain: multiple of 4 sts + 6
1ST ROW: 1sc into 6th ch from hook,
*5 ch, skip 3ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * to end, turn.
2ND ROW: *5ch, isc into next 5 ch arch; rep from * to end, turn.
Rep 2nd row.

After learning the stitch I decided it would be
perfect for a cute little shrug.
The green was such a nice color choice too!!
Here is what I came up with.

So one of my other projects is learning how to french braid my hair. Now my mom was awesome at french braiding my hair when I was growing up...
but now I live far away from my mom and she can't show me how to do it.

So I went on to youtube and have been watching countless videos on how to accomplish this impossibly hard task. I tried and tried and eventually ... my hands and arms got tired enough I didn't think I could try any more. About an hour later I thought well I will try starting the braid higher on my head. Well this is what I ended up with.

Kind of cute, kind of strange, but hey I did something
I couldn't do before so I will count that as a success!!

Hope you all are doing well!!
And remember...

Craft Hard

1 comment:

  1. Love the shrug! And man, too bad I don't live closer,I could have saved you some time and effort and taught you to french braid! : ) At least you learned it now and your hair looks adorable!
