Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hey there good cook'n

If you know me... you know that I love soup. I will even eat hot soups in the summer here in AZ because I love them that much!! One of my very favorites to make is a creamy potato basil soup.
I have been making this soup now for a few years and
I think I have finally tweaked it to my liking.

What goes better with hot soup than homemade rolls?
My roll making skills are not so hot. I think I have tried to make rolls
once and they turned out dry and hard.

So about a month ago I plucked up enough courage to try again. There is something to be said for really sitting down and trying again and again if you can't get something right. This time I did some research before hand. I checked my yeast to make sure it was still good. I read and reread my directions a few times to make sure I fully understood what I was doing.
Finally I had some success!!
So I thought I would share some photos with you.

I also made up a big batch of my favorite homemade chocolate chip cookies. When I was young my dad would be in the kitchen mixing up cookies. I would always ask if I could help and he would let me put some of the ingredients in. He taught me a lot about baking, and I look back on those days with a smile. I love biting into a warm chocolate chip cookie that is crunchy on the sides but soft and gooey on the inside.


  1. Recipes my dear!! Are we allowed to have them? Looks delicious :)

  2. Ashley ever time you amaze me every single time!! Love to come to your blog and be inspired to try someting new and become a beter person Thank you Love YA !!!

  3. Looks good enough to eat! But, I guess that's the idea... ;)
